Well, alas its been awhile. I made a little detour on my blogging adventure into the realm of paper journaling. Seeing as it has been more than an entire year, there is almost no use in trying to play catch up. Much better to just start back up where life has me at right now. Sheesh sheesh sheesh a lot has been happening lately!
For starters, I GRADUATED NURSING SCHOOL! So I've officially crossed over into the post grad life. How do I feel about it you may ask? Still haven't decided. Although I'm going to go ahead and through that denial feeling out there. I've gotten so comfortable in my lovely little life here in my favorite little town of Fayetteville. As excited as I am to move on, this place holds a special little place in my heart that I'm not quite ready to let go of yet. However, time keeps ticking whether I want it to or not so something tells me I'll be much better off embracing whats ahead. So the fact that nursing school is over might actually be more scary. Still not sure if I feel qualified to be taking care of real people yet (by people I mean cute babies) but I guess at some point, I just have to rip the Bandaid off!
So graduation weekend was a huge success. My best friend and her momma came into town, the whole Williams clan was there (a rarity these days) and we just hung out. Lots of food (would not be a family gathering if it was any other way), lots of desserts (including the one the puppies ate), and lots of laughing. Just the way I like it. In addition to my graduation, we also were celebrating Mother's Day, three other graduations, three birthdays, a new job, and a new business venture. What can I say? We go big or we go home.
Now for the exciting news...I have a job! Well actually, it's my second job but that is another can of worms. I accepted my dream dream dream job in Atlanta in a Cardiac ICU!! So so so so so so so so so so crazy. When I had finally decided I wanted to experience live outside of Arkansas for a little bit, I never ever in a million years imagined I would be moving to ATLANTA! Not exactly sure when the "I'm terrified I know no one I'm moving to a strange city" freakout will occur, but I'm hoping my mother will be ready for it.
More to come on everything above plus some, I just figured this would be a good jumping off point to get back into remembering to blog more often. I have to have some way of staying in touch with everyone once I'm off on my little adventure!
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